There are times when we feel uncomfortably peaceful, soft.. calm and ever so content...almost in an unreal way.. One may call it a "spiritual high!" .. Magical!
These times come like the air we feel during shift in seasons, pleasantly warm after a freezing winter.. pleasantly cool after a scorching summer.. whenever it may be.. these times surely make you feel new
I am going through such times right now and I wonder what brought me here ... Life, destiny, time? or just me?
What I sense here is an immense sense of belief and vastness.. like a small boat sailing with the breeze devoid of worries.. yes it knows it can sink but then such are the times that it couldn't care less... Feels like I'm back in my childhood.. yes those were beautiful times too...
I know in the past few years I have come through turbulent times, felt loss.. pain.. agony.. spent sleepless nights and often asked the universe "why am I going through this?..why me?" Those were the times when I lost friendships, love and in some ways my belief in self ...I fought with loved ones, misunderstood criticism, lashed out at anyone showing me the mirror, cried my heart out yet did not know why...Those were the times when I knew who I was but yet did not have faith in who I was or could be..
I was impulsive, rash, confused and did not see anything with clarity.. nothing.. but yes , if there was one thing I have always kept that would be a clear conscience.. I have been an open book and always will be..
Those were the times when I found real people .. who cared ... I came to know why family is the prime source of our happiness.. why they say that true friends are rare and precious.. how by Loving yourself you can truly and unconditionally love others .. and how Change is really the only Constant in life...
Yes those were difficult times for me .. but maybe without going through that, I could have never evolved..and grown... Now when I look back.. I only just smile ! :)
Surely tough times are going to come again.. but then I hope to be stronger and that too shall pass..
Also,regardless of what times these are.. good or bad.. happiness and satisfaction are in our own heart and mind , no one can give you what already lies within.. Like A gardener can only water the plants but the flowers have to bloom themselves..
A loved one can only be with us their way, opportunities and success would come in their own time, Life would treat you uniquely everyday... but, whether that is enough is yours to feel...
Breath in!
So Today, here I am...feeling light..free.. dreamy and full of possibilities :))
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