It's another cold and lazy afternoon...the old lady knits a sweater with love while her wrinkling skin basks in the sun. She knits with a blank mind.. a mind too tired of thinking or maybe a mind too experienced to be distracted anymore. As the wool and the needles dance she smiles a toothless smile so calm....calmness that comes only after years and years of knitting and knowing.
The old lady has sons who love her enough and daughters she brought home for her sons. She has grandchildren to pamper and more grandchildren who wait for her bedtime stories every night. Her husband had been the love of her life and she always had a beautiful time. She had been the queen of her kingdom and the ruler of every heart. She was young and gorgeous , now she's old and weathering, yet her eyes gleam like a wonder....
As she knits now unsure whether the sweater would reach its completion first or she would... she sighs now and then as a lifetime of memories try to lure her attention and make her reflect. But all these years have made the old lady very old and very strong.. she has lived a full journey and lived it well and nothing can make her look back... all she can feel is the warm sun and the wool she shapes to warm... and the peace within her... after years of struggle, of pain, of laughter, of surprise, of love, of growing....the old lady knits all of that into a woolen story.